Sunday, November 16, 2008

Morrisville Social Justice Forum A Great Success

I have not updated the tour for awhile. Last week, I participated at a Social Justice forum at Morrisville State College. The night was dedicated to the nursing program graduates. However, many professors, community liasons, and activists attended the event. The panelists brought unique perspectives to solving poverty. The key to ending poverty is ending ignorance. I could not think of a better setting than this forum. It is refreshing to see colleges become active again. Bravo.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back to Le Moyne September 8th, 2008

Well, I was honored to be asked to speak to a new group of graduate students at Le Moyne. The professor is using my book as required reading for the class. Thank you Thank You Thank You. We are slowly making progress towards expanding the role of the teacher to understand the complex paradigms in classrooms today.

Le Moyne Class Visitation A Great Success

I recently was invited to Le Moyne college to speak to a graduate studies class. The class consisted of a young group of teachers. The night was filled with lively discussion. The professor and I worked together to help create a coalition of ideas regarding the changing family structures in our country. A truly inspirational night for myself.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tour Continues - July 24th State House - Celebrate 30th Anniversery of ADA Act

On July 24th, 2008, a group of my friends and I went to the state house to celebrate the anniversary of the American Disabilities Act. While we made valuable contacts and sold some books and t-shirts, the highlight was hearing about a legislative bill by RoAnn Destito and Joe Griffo enhancing current laws for people with disabilities. I wanted to give a special thanks to RCIL for arranging our booth. Overall, a very uplifting day.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

CNY Press Release - The Business of Education

Another press release this week supporting decency. Here are some excerpts. The link to the press release is at the bottom of the page.

A trio of presenters will repeat a four-hour workshop given last month at Dibble’s Inn in Vernon. The command performance will be held April 26 from 1 to 5 p.m. at Life of Christ Church, 5526 Rome-Taberg Road in Rome.

Supervisor John Salka (R,C,I – Brookfield), service director for the cardiac and respiratory departments at Community Memorial Hospital of Hamilton, who also sits on the county’s Public Health Committee, along with administrator Lenny Giardino of the Camden Central School District and Lisa and Mike Carey, parents of 13-year-old Jonathan Carey, who died while in the care of a state-regulated facility will make the presentation.

The business of education

Giardino spoke about the “dollars and sense” of the public education system, something he says has been decimated by the No Child Left Behind Act. He said special needs kids are likely to be left in the dust with the current focus on test performance. Giardino asked audience members to question the logic model of a system that would require the deaf to hear or a person in a wheelchair to walk, because that is what is being asked of students with other types of special needs.

“We are hearing a louder voice to end No Child Left Behind,” Giardino said. “Public education does the right thing when it is allowed to, but the system is being stripped away – the arts, sports and services to the disabled. Schools are hostages to grants.”

The situation, Giardino said, creates obstacles to justice.

“When you segregate students, it sends the message to other kids that they are different,” Giardino said.

The result is denying autistic and developmentally disabled students opportunities for social learning.

“It’s going to get worse before it gets better,” Giardino said. “Never accept ‘no’ for an answer, especially when it involves your child. Dissent makes the paper.”

Friday, April 11, 2008

Back to Rome on the 26th.

We are expanding our Autism presentation. This presentation will most likely be twice the size of our last one.

‘A Time for Us’Who: Oneida Autism/Special Needs support groupWhat: “A Time for Us,” a conference for parents of children with disabilities and professionals wanting to make a difference.Where: Life of Christ Church, 5526 Rome-Taberg Road, Rome (Route 69 West past Wal-Mart)When: April 26 from 1 to 5 p.m.Why: To provide parents and professionals with tools they can use to advocate for those with special needs who can’t advocate for themselves.How: Organizer Tammie Knight asks those wishing to attend to make a reservation by calling 361-1090 or 533-6953. The presentation is free and open to the public, but donations are welcome.

April 13th - MCLA

We will have an informal book talk at MCLA on the 13th of April. I will report about the journey on the regular blog.